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September 17, 2021
Reading time: 03:42 minutes

In inturotel we are passionate about yoga. What about you? Are you a yoga fan or are you already an addict? What is your experience with yoga?  

We want to share our yoga experience with you. Many years ago our inturotel CEO fell in love with this oriental discipline, she had had healthy problems and decided to try with this ancient body & mind therapy to recover and try to change some habits. It turned out to be so effective and beneficial for her that she decided to let our guests approach the practice of yoga during their stay at our hotel. Since then, we organize yoga classes at the paradisiacal beach of Cala Esmeralda in Majorca island. 

 Women doing yoga at Cala Esmeralda beach

Yoga is a very convinient type of physical exercise and we can undoubtly state that its most  valuable benefit is the chance to reconnect with “your real you”, the things that really matters, the  peace of your mind & spirit. It provides us a precious time, a time with ourselves, with our tired bodies, overwelmed minds & distressed spirits. After ending a profitable class you will feel in a new calm mood that will definitely surprise you the first time. This sensation, this particular feeling is the cause of your addiction, you go on and on with your yoga practice to feel so great again. 

Yoga is a path that has to be walked with short but strong steps. Work on patience, self-respect but also respect for the others, it is a learning process to know yourself better and to awakes your consciousness. 

Our yoga teachers loves yoga and the slow movement in general. What we basically practice in inturotel classes is Hatha yoga, this type of yoga pays attention to the union of body, mind and spirit achieved by means of asanas, pranayamas and meditation. 

A basic hatha yoga class should integrate “asanas” ( physical postures ), “pranayamas” ( breathing exercises ) and an inner state of conciousness reached with relaxation and meditation. By practicing Hatha yoga you learn how to breath properly and focus your attention to clear your mind from thoughts, personal expectations, doubts, anxieties... in order to enter a calm and balanced state of body and mind. Sadly these emotional disorders are so present on our lives, but yoga can be an open door to those that suffer from them. 

Woman sitting on the sand and doing yoga 

Everybody can practice yoga, in spite of your age, religion, weight or physical condition, because the focus is on relaxation and relieving stress. Don’t worry if your are not flexible enough or you can’t follow the rhythm of the class. Be conscious, breath deeply... and step by step you will experiment a big change on you. 

The Benefits of yoga are so many, you gain flexibility, muscles strength and tonification, you also relieve stress and improve your body posture… the list is so large! but in summary it improves your overall health including your mood. After a yoga class we normally feel in a better mood, we’re more kind, empathetic with others and most of us show a radiant smile. 

Health is wealth, mental peace is happiness, yoga is the way!! 

Woman near the sea after yoga practice  

So whether you are a fan or a profan we invite you to book your next holidays on and join our big yoga family. We practice every day early in the morning from Monday to Friday in Cala Esmeralda beach in front of our spectacular only adults hotel inturotel cala esmeralda. You are more than welcomed! 

Holidays provide health, unforgettable memories & happiness, by practicing yoga during your holidays you will make the experience out of this world. Inturotel would like to be your partner in this trip! 

Good practice, Namaste!  

Inturotel family 

Mallorca addicts